Qlik Data Integration & Synapse for SAP clients
Recorded Webinar

Qlik Data Integration & Synapse for SAP clients

1 min read Apr 13, 2021

Imagine that you are in an open space, but still have invisible walls between the various business departments. Imagine that these walls are there to prevent information from travelling freely within the organization, as well as to form the vicious, infamous »Data Silos«. We have a solution!

How to move your data into cloud

Do you think about the migration of your company’s SAP-based Analytics Solution to the Cloud? Robert Zenkert, Analytics Data Architect at Qlik, held a presentation »Qlik Data Integration & Synapse for SAP clients« which will help you determine how to do so.


  1. Situation: Business needs that make data integration a necessity
  2. The solution: Qlik Accelerator Packages
  3. Analytics for SAP based on business processes
  4. Future: What is next?

Everybody needs relevant information in a timely manner. We don’t need information at the end of the week, but, actually, a few times a day. Fortunately, modern software is able to meet this need. The focus of the presentation »Qlik Data Integration & Synapse for SAP clients« was Qlik software and its ability to integrate with other solutions, for example, SAP so that the optimal business results are delivered. If you are ready to find out more, watch the video of the presentation.

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