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Business Intelligence (BI)

Boost dine data med moderne dataanalyse

Kombiner alle dine datakilder, og få en komplet 360° oversigt af hele din virksomhed med avancerede selvbetjeningsanalyser.

Styrk dine medarbejdere, og tilføj mere værdi til din virksomhed

  • Få indsigt i processer og forretning 
  • Identificer nyt indtjeningspotentiale 
  • Øg driftseffektiviteten i hele din organisation 
  • Forsyn medarbejdere med selvbetjeningsanalyser
  • Afskaf manuel rapportforberedelse, og forbedr datakvalitetskontrol
  • Skab forudsætningerne for systematisk og effektiv planlægning 
  • Løs problemer hurtigere og fremskynd beslutningstagningen på alle niveauer
Udforsk kompetencer
Choose the right BI solution for your business needs

Accelerate your analytics success

Stock Optimisation

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Financial Controlling

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Analytics for Banking

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CRM 360°

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Analytics for Automotive

Don't miss
Qlik and Microsoft Continue to be Leaders In Gartner's 2020 Magic Quadrant.
  • Konsulentworkshops og diagnostik
  • Udvikling af din datastrategi og definition af vigtige mangler
  • Organisering af tværfunktionelle kompetencecentre
  • Udformning af skræddersyede uddannelsesprogrammer
  • Branchespecifikke BI-løsninger
  • Analyse og selvbetjenings-BI
  • Standardiseret rapportering og KPI-definition
  • BI som en konkurrencefordel
  • Datakonsolidering med skræddersyede data warehouse-tjenester
  • Udvikling af selvbetjeningsanalyser
  • Tilkobling med dit it-landskab ved at opbygge integreret analyse
  • Supporttjenester der rækker fra start til slut i løsningens livscyklus
  • Analyse af aktuel status for datakendskab
  • Oprettelse af skræddersyet træning med branchespecifikationer
  • Understøttelse af uddannelse med praktiske analyseapplikationer
  • Samarbejde med ledelsesteamet om vigtige faldgruber i beslutningstagningen
Together we deliver best-in-class BI solutions for your business.

The true power of partnerships

Better together - Our Value Add Partners

Inform GmbH

Write! offers a write back functionality to allow you to work as efficiently as possible with comments and a planning functionality within the Qlik solution.

Mehrwerk GmbH

With MPM Process Mining you get complete transparency of your daily business processes.

HighCoordination GmbH

TRUECHART is one of the leading standardized controlling visualization tools using IBCS.

CP Corporate Planning AG

The Corporate Planning solution provides you with solutions for successful operative planning and strategic management. 


Theobald Software GmbH

Theobald Software is one of the world's leading experts in SAP data integration.


KingswaySoft Inc.

With KingswaySoft you can integrate virtually any Microsoft Dynamics application or database system.


Vizlib Ltd.

Vizlib is one of the most powerful visual analytics products for Qlik Sense.


Zebra BI d.o.o.

ZEBRA BI charting visuals for Power BI® are designed to upgrade your Financial reporting to the next level.


K4 Analytics Ltd.

K4 Analytics seamlessly extends leading BI platforms Power BI® & Qlik Sense® by adding integrated data entry with write-back support. 


The implementation of Qlik Sense resulted in both resource and time optimisation. Due to the new, simplified preparation of data, considerable added value for the company, and relief for customer advisors could be achieved.

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The tool's extensive visualisation capabilities and the intuitive ability to easily analyse complex relationships were the decisive arguments for us.

ZETA Biopharma GmbH
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We know we have data that we can use more effectively. In our company, it’s the details that matter.

Marche Restaurant
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With the decision to take on Power BI and BE-terna as partners, we have created the optimal basis for further steps towards the future.

Viva Luzern AG
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By implementing the Qlik solution, we enabled employees to easily and quickly access the information they need in order to make faster and more precise decisions.

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